The last mile of any wide area network can be challenging. Chosing the right technology for your location is not only a matter of speed, but reliability and cost. Depending on how you wish to develop your last-mile solution (LMS), you have options available to explore.
Megaphat Networks actively explores the growing number of LMS technology options to help leverage your network. From LoS, nLoS to LTE, we bring your endpoint closer to your network.
Just when you think there is no way to get your remote site connected, think again. When there is no Last Mile Solution available, we'll help you bring a carrier-based connection wirelessly to your location. Even if you have no mobile phone service in the area, there may be a good chance that our Remote LTE will bring the connectivity you need.
Designing the right Remote LTE
system means understanding the challenges of your area and communicating with the carriers to provide you service.
Bridging a network between locations can be daunting. Service providers charge monthly fees for wired bridges and those prices vary based on location and speed. Common scenarios would be farm to farm, barn house to farm, building to building or just a wireless ethernet extension.
Megaphat Networks can help you understand your connection options. When locations are more challenging than first thought, we'll show you how to bring them closer together. |
The growing trend in Internet Access startup companies is wireless. Compared to traditional ISP's the startup cost is lower, the service areas are vast and the customers appreciate reliable Internet access. When designing your WISP, it's more than just connecting an antenna. Our engineers can help plan your new projects and confirm the coverage you need.
Connecting multiple locations from a single point of access, or Point to Multi-Point (PtMP) can be just as difficult as designing a Wireless ISP.
Knowing the area and understanding the technology are just the start of the engineering process. Megaphat Networks understands these challenges and
is constantly designing solutions that meet the demand of varaious environments and situations. Whether a wireless bridge topology or wide-area network,
we'll always have you covered.
Bringing wireless connectivity from one location to another is not always as simple as a Point to Point. When spanning large distances or even small distances with multiple environmental challenges, your wireless network may require intermediary links to bridge the gap.
These intermediaries are called Backhauls.
There is no such thing as an ideal location for a Backhaul because each requirement is different. We look at each case scenario and help you deccide if on a cabin, a building, a radio tower or the side of a montain is the best suited location for your Backhaul.