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We keep hearing about the cloud. The cloud this, the cloud there, but what is the cloud? No really, what IS the cloud? Well to be honest it's not in the sky and there are pretty much no people there. The cloud is rows of hundreds of computers spanned across floors of cabling and massive cooling systems consuming an astronomical amount of energy.

Now you may ask why would I chose the cloud over keeping a few servers in my office? Wouldn't it be better for the environment by consuming less power? Well the simple answer is not so simple. The cloud is designed so that each computer in the cloud network works with another computer in the cloud network, distributing its workload across a spanned network of computers allowing it to perform a greater number of tasks than just a single server. By disributing the workload, also known as load-balancing, the computers in the cloud are more efficient and can manage tasks for multiple organizations with greater ease. A lot of time was put into developing cloud technology as well as the networks they run on. These networks span entire continents and some are even intercontinental allowing companies to access data just as quickly in New York as they could in Tokyo.

So the next question is cost. Ok this is where you will need to consider a number of factors. With cloud, you pay to have the cloud installed, you pay monthly lease fees for the cloud access and you pay for any support you may need. However any and all hardware costs as well as network access fees are part of your monthly rates. With premise-based technology you are completely responsible for hardware costs. So in the end which is more cost efficient? Neither and both are the real answer. Cloud services are great for many reasons. Some companies even run hybrid environments where they use both cloud and premise systems. Both have their own benefits which the other cannot come close to and both offer clear advantages in different ways. Understanding which method would work best for you is up to a highly-trained consultant to help you understand before you make any decisions.
Voice Over IP, or simply VoIP has been around for a long time now. Business phone systems are the latest to take up on this technology while call centers have been using it for nearly 2 decades. VoIP can be premise-based or cloud-based. There are clear advantages to both depending on your needs.

VoIP offers amazing features such as Voice Mail, Visual Voice Mail, Voice Mail to Email, Conference Rooms, Follow-Me, Group Ring, Auto-Attendant (IVR) menus, Direct Inbound DID routing, Blacklisting numbers, Call Queues, Time Conditions, Parking Lot hold, Intercom and more.

The network requirements for VoIP may be leveraged depending on the application to provide service over wireless and far reaching networks. This gives VoIP a true advantage over traditional telephone systems.

Data centers are the heart and soul of cloud computing. With so many companies moving their operations to the cloud, some even chosing hybrid solutions, it's important to understand how data centers operate, how to get in to one and once you're in, what do you do. Data centers are also known as co-location spaces. They are like rented spaces for your operations computers such as your servers. You can select various-sized rentals, different connections speeds and types, various types of electrical power supply and even interconnect with other companies.

Megeaphat Networks has worked with a number of data centers over the past 20 years across the globe. From provisioning, design, deployment, integration, peering, support and roof access, we know the ins and outs.
Health care is a critical component to our everyday lives. For the health care providers, having access to information is as important as the critical care they provide. Patients depend on the expertise of their providers and expect the utmost consideration, especially when it comes to their privacy. HIPAA was a great step forward in helping to achieve access to health care but our health care providers can only ddo so much. Even a well-verse IT support team will need support from time to time.

Time is critical when it comes to medical services and we understand that there is no time to waste. Our knowledge and experience with HIPAA-compliant systems will help bring confidence in the advancing medical technology and comfort your patients when they need it most.

Schools are far too often left to try and figure out why the tech they were given doesn't work. They have top IT fully trained in the newest tech and still problems persist. Bringing in 3rd-party support sometimes does help but in the end, the problems are not with the tech, but in fact the tech doesn't properly integrate with the existing infrastructure as clean as they had hoped.

While big tech firms really make their tech sound amazing, and it is amazing, it's usually not an out-of-the-box solution that simply works by turning it on. Before any new tech is integrated into an existing infrastructure, the infrastructure needs to be able to support any new tech. We understand the tech and even more, we understand the infrastructure. What we do is ensure your infrastructure can easily accommodate any new tech that you wish to deploy at any time.

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